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The Polo Bands Tutorial

The tutorial with step-by-step explanations, to allow you to make your own polo strips: red ones, blue ones, ones with sequins, ones with integrated disco balls (no, we're kidding!).

This tutorial is available for download. It includes:

✅ 1 step-by-step guide in .pdf to print at home (or follow on screen)

✅ 1 simple model + 2 variations

✅ 2 sizes: Horse and Pony

✅ The list of equipment

✅ The list of supplies

Pay for your purchase, then download the link in the confirmation email, and voila! all that's left to do is 😁

Don't hesitate to send us your creations! We will publish them on our social networks 👍

Info & contacts:

By phone: 06 24 56 37 01

By email:

The Polo Bands Tutorial

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